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Subject: Re: Soft line breaks in XSL:FO output

>>>>> David Tolpin <dvd@davidashen.net>:

> Soft linebreaks are called zero-width space in Unicode, 200B
> hexadecimal.  Insert \x200b during preprocessing at points where you
> want the URL to be broken, turn hyphenation off for that part of the
> text

I tried inserting &#200b at the points where I wanted the URLs to be
broken, but that didn't give me the desired results.  I got

 http://                   some-

when the result I was hoping for, was:


(I didn't spot the bit about turning hyphenation off, in your message.
Perhaps that would have fixed it?)

I ended up with inserting <fo:block/>.  I put in the PI
<?fo-table-cell-break?> where I wanted the break, and put the
following template into my local customization style sheet for
generating XSL:FO:

  <xsl:template match="processing-instruction('fo-table-cell-break')">


- Steinar

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