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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] custom class attributes

On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 12:30:05PM +0200, Michael Wiedmann wrote:
> * Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com> wrote [031011 15:04]:
> > For this, there is a special attribute on bridgehead.
> > You can use <bridgehead renderas="sect5"> and it
> > will render it to look like a sect5 heading.
> This is correct but unfortunately there is no "class" attribute in the
> resulting HTML file for '<bridgehead renderas="sect5">...' and so my CSS
> entry for 'H5.title' won't work for this.

I think all the rendered titles should have a class.
In this case, the class should probably be "bridgehead"
instead of "title", so that those who want to distinguish
between regular section titles and bridgehead can do so.


Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@sco.com

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