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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Creating a Help System

Thanks for the suggestion, Tobi. You know, I think the problem is something
with my machine. I just tried the same thing on another machine, and it
worked fine. I remember once before I installed Netscape on my machine, and
that caused a load of problems when trying to transform XML files. The only
thing I can think is that since I last created that Help system, I
installed Mozilla, and perhaps that somehow did something as well. I would
be curious to know if anybody else has seen these strange happenings.

Thanks again.


             Tobias Reif                                                   
             uice.com>                                                  To 
             10/15/2003 10:42                                           cc 
             AM                        JABakken@dstsystems.com             
                                       Re: [docbook-apps] Creating a Help  

JABakken@dstsystems.com wrote:
> I have written several XML files that I converted into an HTML Help
> I completed this about a month ago, and all was well. I have now made
> updates to some of my files, and am trying to create a new HTML Help
> system. I am using Xalan, and every time I try to transform my files, I
> the following error message:
> <Location of error of unknown>XSLT Error
> <javax.xml.transform.TransfromerException> :
> java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: Title.xml

Perhaps try file://

Else try


Vim Tip #583: Vim as XML Editor

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