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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] "toc" in "book" and "article"

Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com> wrote:

> If you are looking to place an automatically-created toc,
> then you might consider customizing the stylesheets.
> But in this case I don't think that is necessary because it
> normally places the TOC after the titlepage stuff for an
> article anyway.

For HTML this is not a problem but I am using the DB2LaTeX XSL 
stylesheets to create TeX and finally PDF. These stylesheets 
also automatically create a TOC *if* there is <toc/> element.
Unfortunately the <toc> element in an <article> is only valid 
after all <section>s.

Now I consider to use a processing instruction to ouput the 
necessary TeX code at the place I want the TOC to appear.


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