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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] [Website] Refining some style issues (CSS ?)

At 10:06 28/10/2003 +0200, Derek Hohls wrote:
>I would seriously consider stopping hacking around
>with tables to do page layout and move over to
>CSS for all your layout and page formatting.  No
>more icky spacer.gif's and other such... I have just
>(re)done my first site recently and its quite a pleasure
>to take all the clutter out!
>If you have not yet "bought into" use of CSS, I would
>suggest reading:
>I am happy to supply more links to stories, case studies
>etc if you need them.

Nice article Derek.

The only part you've left out is the time saved in not having to edit all 
those table cells :-)

regards DaveP.

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