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Subject: Large FOP Fails
When transforming large XML files, FOP creates a corrupt PDF. I am using Oxygen which allows me to set the amount of internal memory for FOP. Even when I set this to 400MB FOP terminates, after a long period, with java out of memory error. I cannot increase the spec of my machine. At least not immediately. So is there a way of managing transformation on large XML files? I've been told that breaking the file into smaller parts (modular docbook) have no effect on memory usage. Has anyone encountered this problem? If so how did you solve it? Any solutions welcome. Also any ideas on what thresholds are acceptable before transformation with FOP fails. My document is in excess of 1000 pages. I receive out of memory errors around page 1087 [INFO] [1087]. Platform SuSE 8.2, JRE,SE 1.4.2, Saxon 6.5.3, Apache FOP 0.20.4 Machine RAM 256MB thanks, Sean Wheller __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears http://launch.yahoo.com/promos/britneyspears/
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