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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Antwort: [docbook-apps] Large FOP Fails

Hi Sean,
>When transforming large XML files, FOP creates a
>corrupt PDF.
>I am using Oxygen which allows me to set the amount of
>internal memory for FOP. Even when I set this to 400MB
>FOP terminates, after a long period, with java out of
>memory error.
>Platform SuSE 8.2, JRE,SE 1.4.2, Saxon 6.5.3, Apache
>FOP 0.20.4 Machine RAM 256MB

I think the bottle neck is not the memory FOP can use but the amount of 
memory which java is allowed to allocate. I remember from my own java 
programming during studies (looooong ago :-) ... ) that you can tweak the 
maximum amount of memory allowed for java. Google-ing around came up with 
this article:


especially these lines seem to be interesting:

1. use the command line
        eg. someapp -NSJavaMaxHeapSize 123345567
2. use the app defaults
        eg. defaults write someapp NSJavaMaxHeapSize 123345567
3. use the global defaults
        eg. defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSJavaMaxHeapSize 123345567
4. program it using com.apple.yellow.foundation.NSUserDefaults

I'd think the amount of memory is declared in Bytes. Possibly you find 
more information on NSJavaMaxHeapSize elsewhere.

Thomas Gier
Technical Writer


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