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Subject: website - incorporating html inside a page ?

Short description: how to wrap verbatim html inside a <webpage> ?


having solved my last problem concerning formatting and style by
heavily tweaking my CSS stylesheet, I move on to other deeds ..

.. concerning existing html code, that I would like to "wrap" within
a website page. The point being that I would like to maintain a navtoc
on the left etc.

So is it possible to include verbatim html inside a website <webpage> ?
(Ideally at the xml level and not at the xsl one ..)

Thanks in advance,
  Marc Baaden

 Dr. Marc Baaden  - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris
 mailto:baaden@smplinux.de      -      http://www.marc-baaden.de
 FAX: +49 697912 39550  -  Tel: +33 15841 5176 ou +33 609 843217

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