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Subject: Usin Saxon and XInclude


I have been experimenting a bit with the XInclude class in Xerces and
used your recipe in Chapter 19 regarding Saxon and Xerces 2.5.0.

For that purpose, I used a book document, extracted the last appendix
to a separate file. Since my stylesheet only contains the following

<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/> 

I would expect the resulting document to contain the original
document, which it does. However, my document fragment also contains a
doctype declaration. Apparently, this is not a good idea, because for
some strange reason, the resulting document does also include the
complete docbook DTD.

I checked Xerces buglist, but could not see that anybody had
identified this problem. Have you noticed this before ?

Besides defining that Xerces should use the XInclude processor, you
also define that Saxons should use Xerces as its default

What about if you want Saxon to uses Xerces by default, the
XML Catalog Resolver and the XInclude class as well ?



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