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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] refentry section headings

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 12:16:06PM +0000, Brian McGurk wrote:
> Hi,
> Another question about refentries. (Over-riding the page-break in the
> refentry template worked fine. Much thanks.)
> My current problem is that the refentry section headings
> "Description", "Return Values", etc. are displayed in a larger
> font-size than that used for the heading of the containing section.
> This happens with both the html and fo transformations.
> The html is pretty easy to override:
>   <xsl:template match="refsect1/title">
>     <b>
>       <xsl:apply-templates/>
>     </b>
>   </xsl:template>
> The fo is more complicated. The template seems to attempt to find the
> level of the containing section but uses an much larger font-size
> nonetheless.
> Editing the fo and removing the instruction to use a larger font-size
> simply provides the output that I want.  Does anyone have any
> suggestions how to achieve this at the XSL level, or to make the font
> size depend on that of the containing section's heading?

I just filed a feature request (#835939) for this.

The current processing of refsection titles uses
the template named 'section.heading' in fo/sections.xsl,
in other words it uses the machinery for section titles.
That's ok, except for the way it computes the section level.

It uses the template 'section.level' in common/common.xsl
to compute the section level of each refsection.
It always assigns a section level 1 to refsect1, level 2 to
refsect2, etc.  Since a refentry can appear inside 
sections as well as other places, the section.level
template should take into account the ancestors of the
refentry to determine its relative location
in the section hierarchy.  

For example, if a refentry appears inside a sect1,
then its NAME title should be format as section
level 2, and any refsect1 should format as section
level 3, etc.  Does that sound right?


Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@sco.com

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