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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Changing "red" behaviour for unimplemented features in DSSSL stylesheets ?

The given sequence is from the html/* directory and does give an error when 
processed for print output (I need pdf/ps output). The error is:

"element" is not the name of any flow object class

and it does not produce any output !

So looked in the print/* directory for other occurences of "color" and found:
;; Make text that comes from unimplemented tags easy to spot
  (let* ((colr-space (color-space 
		      "ISO/IEC 10179:1996//Color-Space Family::Device RGB"))
	 (red (color colr-space 1 0 0)))
    (make sequence
      color: red

So i took this part, copied it to my local dsl file and changed  "1 0 0" to "0 
0 0 " which should give black.
BUT now i get no formatiing of the document at all. The whole text is 
concatenated together to give one large blob of text.

I am new to DSSSL and still do not understand whats really going on here, so 
what else can I try ??
By the way, putting the part above into my own stylesheet also changes 
behaviour of reading images. It now includes ALL given imageobjects, not only 
the EPS one for print output !

Thanks for any suggestions.

> In your customized DSSSL stylesheet:
> (default
>   (make element gi: "FONT"
> 	attributes: '(("COLOR" "RED")) ;; Replace by what you want
> 	(process-children)))
> (The above was obtained from html/docbook.dsl by grepping for "RED".)

Dr. Peter Biechele, E-Mail: Peter.Biechele@beXtec.de

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