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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Changing "red" behaviour for unimplemented features in DSSSL stylesheets ?

Thanks to Javier Farreres de la Morena it works now !!

The code that works looks like:
;; Make text that comes from unimplemented tags BLACK not red "(1 0 0)"
(element refsection
  (let* ((colr-space (color-space 
		      "ISO/IEC 10179:1996//Color-Space Family::Device RGB"))
	 (black (color colr-space 0 0 0)))
    (make sequence
      color: black

Thanks for everybody !

> About the color thing, it works with the functions color-space and color.
> You say that when you use these functions, all the rest looses format.
> This is probably caused by your altered function overcoming some other
> function. Default construction rule used in your customisation layer takes
> precedence over all the rest of default functions. You shouldn't use it.
> Try to use an element rule.

Peter Biechele

Dr. Peter Biechele, E-Mail: Peter.Biechele@beXtec.de

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