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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Chunk transformation error

Hello All,

I am trying to use the chunk style sheet and get this error message:

"g:\docbook-xsl-1.62.4\html\chunk.xsl(0,0): The xsl:apply-imports
instruction may only occur within an xsl:template instruction with a
match attribute, and may not occur within an xsl:for-each instruction.
Error occurred during compilation of included or imported stylesheet

Can anyone offer any advise or information so I can use chunk.xsl? I 
looked through the files and am not well versed enough to find the problem.

I am using Wattle software's XMLWriter which uses the MSXML engine 
(currently 4.0 SP2). Their tech support told me the error message is 
generated by the MSXML engine.

Thanks in advance,
Jeff Biss

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