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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Mozilla CSS and Entities
Mozilla must recognize the five entities defined in the XML standard, and thats it. You must thefore resolve all other enities in your document to the associated numerical value. Norm included the entity files in the DocBook DTD only for our convenience. Regards, Jens On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, anon croaker wrote: > I seem unable to view docbook documents in Mozilla (v1.5) using a CSS styleheet when the docbook XML contains character entities. > > eg. > <para>hello — world</para> > > throws a Mozilla error where as the same without the — works fine. > > I understand older versions of Mozilla had problems with such things. Is this still the case? is there anything special I need to configure? > > TIA > > croaker > > > --------------------------------- > Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo!Messenger
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