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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Entities again!


On the advice of a few list members on a WIN32 XSL proceesing system
that can handle entities and catalogs, I have installed Cygwin with
xsltproc. I *still* can't get the following external parameter entity
reference to work:

I am using DocBook XML V4.2, DocBook XSL V1.61.3.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"

<!ENTITY % CommonEntities SYSTEM "../common/entities-test.xml">

<book lang="en"><title>Test Entity Resolution</title>

<chapter id="bgt-data">
  <title>Data Entry</title>

  <sect1 id="bgt-data-cost">
    <title>Cost Centres</title>
    <para>The Cost Centres data entry page allows some users to
      (add, delete and edit) information relating to cost centres.
Other users
      (most users) will have read-only access to cost centre


<!-- Chunks of text -->
<!-- <!entity titlestandard SYSTEM "titlestandard.xml"> -->

<!-- People (authors and othercredits) -->
<!entity chris

In Cygwin, I get the following errors:

K:///DATA/RESTRICT/FAMIS/help/xml/common/entities-test.xml:4: error:
ernalSubset: error detected in Markup declaration
<!entity chris

K:///DATA/RESTRICT/FAMIS/help/xml/common/entities-test.xml:4: error:
DOCTYPE improperly terminated
<!entity chris

K:///DATA/RESTRICT/FAMIS/help/xml/common/entities-test.xml:4: error:
Start tag expected, '<' not found
<!entity chris
"<author><firstname>Chris</firstname><surname>Johnson</surname></ ^

unable to parse

Any thoughts on this most appreciated.


Chris Johnson

Web Developer
Capilano College

604.986.1911 ext. 3455

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