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Subject: Re: Pretty printing source code

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/ Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com> was heard to say:
| On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 08:06:03AM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
| Um, Norm, it is a little terse to send an attachment
| with no explanation beyond the subject line.  can you
| provide a little background about this attachment?

Bizarre. Matthew Braun found my accompanying text (thanks Matthew).

>Every now and then someone asks about pretty-printing source code.
>It's certainly possible to put inline markup inside a programlisting
>to do it, the trick is getting some pretty-printing engine to generate
>the right markup.
>Today I stumbled over 'htmlize', an emacs function that converts the
>font-lock highlighting of emacs into HTML:
>  http://fly.srk.fer.hr/~hniksic/emacs/htmlize.el
>It turns out that this is nicely well-formed XHTML except for the
>So, if you htmlize a buffer and then edit it so that it has an XHTML
>namespace and appropriate doctype declaration (or none), you can
>process it with the attached stylesheet to generate "pretty printing
>YMMV, etc. And no, I haven't updated the DocBook XSLT stylesheets to
>do anything with the roles etc. used by this stylesheet. But I'll get
>there eventually.
>P.S. I've sent in a request to the author of htmlize to add an XHTML

Sorry about that, folks.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | I think age is a very high price
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | to pay for maturity.--Tom Stoppard
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
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