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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Re: Adding Horizontal Rules to Chapter/Part/Section Titles in PDF Output.

> However, the attribute name above was the main piece of 
> information that I 
> couldn't find anywhere, thanks!
> >
> > You'll also need an XSL-FO reference to know what all
> > the possible properties are.
> *nods* - Do you have any recommendations? Is there anything 
> online? This is 
> the bits that I'm finding *really* difficult to find.

Here are a few places to get you started:

http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xslfoReference/Output/index.html (the sidebars for Opera and Mozilla are really handy too: http://www.zvon.org/Output/bar_list.html)




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