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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Placement of revision history in HTML output

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, Dave Pawson wrote:

> Perhaps the 'proper' way of getting the revhistory would be to
> insert a pi wherever you want the table to be, then process it
> yourself in a customisation layer?

A quick-and-dirty solution would be to have CSS hide it for you. In
your stylesheet, include

    div.revhistory { display: none; }

The revhistory will be included in the HTML file -- and viewable via
the page source or perhaps an alternative stylesheet -- but otherwise
won't be displayed.

If you're relying on CSS, then you aren't worrying about old, broken
browsers anyway, right? :-)

-- Paul Heinlein <heinlein@madboa.com>

ps: Sorry for breaking threading on this reply. I failed to "reply to
     all" at first, so I had to forward my message.

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