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Subject: new olink features in XSL 1.66.1
This mail will be of interest mostly to people who are using olinks, or are thinking of using olinks to create cross references between DocBook documents. The olink templates were rewritten in version 1.66 of the XSL stylesheets. The goal was to provide more options for using olinks, and more opportunities for customizing olinks. Here is a description of the changes. It is a long mail because there were a lot of changes. Olinking in FO output ------------------------------ - Now you can use olink to form active hotlinks between PDF documents. In earlier versions the olink text would resolve, but the links would only be active if they were to a destination within the same document. Now an olink can open another PDF file, and, under the right circumstances, can scroll to the exact location in the external document. - Scrolling to the exact location means that the fragment identifier that the stylesheet adds to a PDF reference is resolved: myotherbook.pdf#intro This feature is currently somewhat limited. Only XEP adds the correct ID information to the PDF document for it to work. Neither FOP nor Antenna House write ihe original ID values from the XSLT process to the PDF file. So although a link with fragment identifier is properly formed, the ID value it points to does not exist in the PDF. - Also some browsers don't properly interpret PDF fragment identifiers. Adobe Reader seems to work, but Adobe Reader used as a PDF plugin inside Internet Explorer does not. Another factor is whether the PDF file is accessed as a local file or from an HTTP server. In some cases, the hot link will open the other PDF file but won't scroll to the exact location. In other cases, the browser will complain that it cannot open the other document at all because it is misinterpreting the fragment identifier as part of the filename. - Because the fragment identifiers in PDF olinks can cause such problems, the FO stylesheet turns them off by default. You can turn them on if your situation permits by setting the stylesheet parameter 'insert.olink.pdf.frag' to 1. - Since the FO stylesheet now supports olinks, it can also be used to generate a document's olink data file (whose default name is 'target.db'). In previous versions you had to use the HTML stylesheet to generate the data file. If your customization uses different xref styles in the two kinds of output, then you will want to maintain separate data files for HTML and FO output. Use the 'targets.filename' parameter to change the default data filename from 'target.db' to something else, - You will need to create separate master olink database files (identified by the 'target.database.document' parameter) for HTML and FO output. That's because the 'baseuri' attribute on the <document> element in the database must be different. For HTML output, the baseuri would be either the HTML filename (for nonchunked output), or a directory name (for chunked output). For XEP output, the baseuri for local file access should be "file:myfile.pdf". For other XSL-FO processors the baseuri should be just "myfile.pdf". - It is possible to form olinks between HTML and PDF documents. In the olink database file (identified by the 'target.database.document' parameter), an HTML document can have an HTML baseuri, and a PDF document can have a PDF baseuri. But you can't do both formats for one document in the same database because each 'targetdoc' attribute must be unique within each language. - The olink mechanism includes partial support for page number references in olinks. That means you could refer someone to an actual page number in the other document. In the olink database, the page number for each target can be stored in a 'page' attribute on each <div> or <obj> element. If an olink style calls for a page number, and if the data is there, it will be output. But there is no standard way of populating the page attribute in the olink data. Since page numbers are only available in the XSL-FO processor, some sort of postprocessing would be needed to extract the page numbers for each element. The collection of page numbers is not part of the XSL stylesheets at this time. Olink resolution ------------------------------ Several new options for resolving olinks were added. - If you want to point to the top of another document, now you can omit the 'targetptr' olink attribute. The stylesheet will use the 'targetdoc' attribute to locate the data file for the document, and will use the targetptr of the root element in the target data to resolve the link. - In one special circumstance you can now omit the 'targetdoc' attribute from your olinks. You can do this only if there is a single document in the olink database. When is that useful? When you are using olinks only within a modular document that is assembled by XInclude. Using olink instead of xref to form your cross references within your document permits you to validate each file module. When you process the document, the olinks must have an olink database to resolve such olinks. If you aren't using olinks for external cross references, then the olink database just needs to include the single document. - Another feature to support modular source files is the 'prefer.internal.olink' stylesheet parameter. This is useful when you reuse a content module in more than one document. If you cross reference to such a module, you don't want to open another document if the content exists in the current document. Setting 'prefer.internal.olink' to 1 causes the stylesheet to first test the current document's olink data to see if it has the id value of the targetptr. If it does not, then it falls back to the requested 'targetdoc' data set. - Another new feature is the 'olink.base.uri' stylesheet parameter. This lets you establish a URI prefix for all generated olink URIs. If you put all your content in one location, then you can put the common parts of the URI in this parameter. Then each 'baseuri' attribute in the olink database can be relative to the olink.base.uri value. This is most useful when you are not using relative references between a set of documents, but rather are referring to other documents, perhaps on another website. The olink.base.uri value is prepended to *all* olink URIs, so only use it if all of the content is at that address. Otherwise, put the address information in the individual document baseuri attributes in the olink database. - Because olink resolution is more complex now, a new stylesheet parameter 'olink.debug' was added. When set to 1, the stylesheet will output messages on how each olink is being resolved. Olink language resolution ------------------------------------ - Now olinks will try to resolve to a document in the same language as the source document. If that fails, then the stylesheet can fall back through a sequence of languages that you specify in the 'olink.lang.fallback.sequence' parameter. This is similar to the language negotiation performed by an HTTP browser and server. - This means olinks can work within a collection in which only some of the documents are currently translated. In general you want an olink to resolve to a target document in the same language. This means the olink database should include the data for all translated versions of a document. You can do this by including multiple <document> elements in the database and setting the 'lang' attribute to different values. You can have <document> elements with duplicate 'targetdoc' attributes only if their 'lang' attributes differ. - During processing, the olink source language is determined by the closest ancestor 'lang' attribute in the source document. The stylesheet looks for the olink's targetdoc in that language first. If that fails, then it tries the first language in the fallback sequence. If that fails, it goes on to the next, etc. For example, if you set the 'olink.lang.fallback.sequence' parameter to 'de en', and the olink's closest ancestor lang attribute in the source document is 'fr', then the stylesheet first looks in the olink database for a <document> element with a matching targetdoc and with lang="fr". If that combination is not found, then the same targetdoc with lang="de" is tried, and finally lang="en", - In addition, the 'use.local.olink.style' parameter was fixed for non-English content. If this parameter is set to 1, it causes the stylesheet to assemble your olink text using your stylesheet's gentext templates. If it is set to 0, then it uses the text as it was generated for the original document. Prior to version 1.66, this feature did not work properly for non-English olinks. Now it works properly for all languages. xrefstyle -------------------------------- - olinks now support the xrefstyle attribute that was introduced in version 4.3 of the DocBook DTD. The xrefstyle attribute on an xref or olink element is used to pass hints to the XSL stylesheet about how to generate the text for the current cross reference instance. You can specify a named style, a select list of keywords, or a gentext template. Starting with version 1.66 of the stylesheets, olinks now support the same features of xrefstyle as for the xref element. - In the 'select:' type of xrefstyle, two new keywords were added in 1.66. The 'docname' keyword will generate the title of the other document, and the 'docnamelong' keyword can be used to generate a longer reference to the title. These keywords are resolved using the following gentext templates: <l:template name="docname" text=" in %o"/> <l:template name="docnamelong" text=" in the document titled %o"/> The '%o' placeholder is filled in with the other document's title. It is taken from the title associated with the root element of the other document in the olink database. You can customize the wording of these two gentext templates to suit your needs, and translate them for other languages. You can also use the %o in named xrefstyles in the gentext templates as well. - You can also use the '%o' placeholder in a 'template:' type of xrefstyle in an olink. That lets you word a cross reference as you like and include the other document's title. - You can also globally control the addition of the other document's title using the 'olink.doctitle' stylesheet parameter. If it is set to 'yes', then the stylesheet will append the other document's title for every olink. It will use the 'docname' gentext template, which you can customize. If the 'olink.doctitle' parameter is set to 'maybe', then you will get a title only if the xrefstyle calls for it. If you set olink.doctitle to 'no', then no olinks will get a document title, even if the xrefstyle calls for it. The latter setting lets you turn off the feature for all olinks. The default value of olink.doctitle is 'no'. - You can also use the '%p' placeholder to generate a page number for an olink. This requires your olink database to have 'page' attribute values on the <div> and <obj> elements, something that the stylesheet currently cannot generate. But if you find a way to collect such page number information, the olink template will use the data to generate a page number reference. - If you have set up page numbers for olinks, then you can also turn them on globally using the 'insert.olink.page.number' parameter. If it is set to 'yes', then the stylesheet will try to append a page reference to all olinks. It will use the gentext template named 'olink.page.citation' to generate the text, so you can customize that. If the page data for an olink is empty, then no text is generated. If you set 'insert.olink.page.number' to 'maybe', then you will get a page reference only if the xrefstyle calls for it. If you set 'insert.olink.page.number' to 'no', then no olinks will get a page reference, even if the xrefstyle calls for it. The latter setting lets you turn off the feature for all olinks. The default value of 'insert.olink.page.number' is 'no'. - Version 1.66 of the stylesheets also introduces the 'olink.properties' attribute set for FO output. This lets you can control how format styles are applied to olinks in print. Any attributes defined in the 'olink.propeties' attribute set are added to the <fo:basic-link> element in the output. The optional document title and page citation are not included inside the <fo:basic-link>. - For HTML, the olink output now has a class="olink" attribute. That permits a CSS stylesheet to apply format styles to olinks. Olink customization ------------------------------ The XSL templates for generating olinks were modularized in version 1.66 to permit easier customization. These are the templates that now be customized: - select.target.database: This template is called for each olink to select the olink target database filename. By default, it selects the value of the 'target.database.document' parameter. If you customize this template, then you could use more than one olink database. - select.olink.key: This template is called for each olink to select the data for the olink. The 'key' here is the combination of targetdoc/targetptr/lang that will actually be used for this olink. Currently this template recurses through the languages to find the best match. It also handles the cases of a missing targetdoc or targetptr attribute, and the 'prefer.internal.olink' parameter. - make.olink.href: This template assembles the complete URI for each olink. This is output as the href for an HTML link, or as the external-destination attribute for an FO link. - olink.hottext: This template assembles the generated text for an olink, except for the optional document title or page citation. - olink.docname.citation: This template generates the optional title of the other document. You may not need to customize this template if you customize the associated gentext template instead. - olink.page.citation: This template generates the optional page number citation for an olink. You may not need to customize this template if you customize the associated gentext template instead. - insert.olink.docname.markup mode: This is a mode that handles wrapping format styles around the optional document title generated for a olink. This permits you to make the other document's title italic or some other format. Bob Stayton Sagehill Enterprises DocBook Consulting bobs@sagehill.net
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