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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Website 'webpage.table.footer' template

I think these are all good suggestions.  You should file a Feature Request
on the DocBook SourceForge site, and that way Norm or one of the other
developers will have them when they next update the Website stylesheets.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Graham" <Tony.Graham@Sun.COM>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Website 'webpage.table.footer' template

> In the website-2.5.0 stylesheets, tabular.xsl includes:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>           </tr>
>           <xsl:call-template name="webpage.table.footer"/>
>         </table>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> And website-common.xsl includes:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> <xsl:template name="webpage.table.footer"/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> What is intended to be generated by a custom template that overrides
> the website-common.xsl template for 'webpage.table.footer'?
> If a custom 'webpage.table.footer' is supposed to generate a <tr> and
> one <td>:
> 1. Wouldn't it be simpler if tabular.xsl included the <tr> and <td>
>    and the customisation just provided the content?
> 2. Shouldn't the hardcoded 'rowspan="2"' in tabular.xsl be
>    'rowspan="3"'?
> Alternatively, if a custom 'webpage.table.footer' is supposed to
> generate <tr><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr>, is there scope for adding
> a 'navtoc.column.footer' to the stylesheets for putting content (i.e.,
> <tr><td>...</td></tr>) at the bottom of the 'navtoc' column without
> necessarily extending the height of the page (actually, of the table
> that makes up most of the page)?
> Regards,
> Tony Graham
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd                       Phone: +353 1 8199708
> Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3            x(70)19708

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