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docbook-apps message

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Subject: XSLT Java extensions jar files broken in 1.68.0; 1.68.1 to follow soon

Due to an embarrassing stupied mistake I made in the Makefile for
the XSLT Java extensions, the package structure in the extensions
jar files in the 1.68.0 release are broken (both the Saxon jars
and the Xalan 2 jar).

I've checked in the fix for the problem and will have a 1.68.1
release out soon. In the mean time, if you want a build that
includes the fix, you can use the latest snapshot:


We have a Ant build.xml file that the JPackage project contributed
but that we (DocBook project) are not currently using for the
official builds. Probably we should be and may for the next
left-of-dot release.

Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com> writes:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bob Stayton 
> > 
> > Yes, this looks like a bug.  I've asked the developers list 
> > to look into it.
> There is a problem with the xalan25.jar file too. The workaround is the same
> (use JAR from previous version).
> Something went wrong in the build process, apparently. I found that the
> faulty JAR files have incorrect paths (i.e. package structure) inside them.
> In saxon653.jar, the path is "saxon643/.classes/com/nwalsh/saxon" instead of
> the expected "com/nwalsh/saxon". 
> /MJ


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