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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Antenna House XSLFormatter and internal links (xref)

I recall that for XEP I had fixed it due to a user's complaint long 
time ago; but I still think that it was the wrong thing to fix: the 
wrapper does not create a place (or does not have a location) in any 
reasonable sense in XSL FO, and is removed during normalization.

While the forgiving behavior is to regard the id attribute on wrapper, 
the correct thing to do is what AH XSL Formatter does: namely, to 
ignore it.


On 15.02.2005, at 22:09, Bob Stayton wrote:

> I traced this problem to what may be a difference of interpretation of 
> the
> XSL-FO spec.  The anchor element is converted by the FO stylesheet to 
> an
> empty fo:wrapper element with an id attribute.  This works as an 
> internal
> xref target in FOP and XEP, but not in XSL Formatter.  If I change the
> anchor template to output an empty fo:inline instead, then it works.  
> You
> can make that customization in your stylesheet:
> <xsl:template match="anchor">
>   <fo:inline id="{@id}"/>
> </xsl:template>
> You might also write to Antenna House and ask them about whether an 
> empty
> wrapper should serve as a valid target for a cross reference.  Since 
> it does
> accept an id attribute, I would think it should.

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