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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] New to DocBook and XML

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 12:13 +1100, Jens Porup wrote:

> Well, there is this: 
> 	http://xml.openoffice.org/xmerge/docbook/
> And OOo should be fine for converting Word to OOo format, since
> the content is what you're primarily interested in, and not fancy
> Word markup.
> Don't know how mature the OOo docbook converter is, though. Someone else
> may be able to comment on this.

I took a PhD paper in word format,
Then processed the xml through the stylesheet.
The output only missed a couple of items,
but I'm not sufficiently familiar with the sxw format yet
to say if it was complete, nor did I validate the docbook output.

Its certainly a good start though...
The other alternative is to buy Upcast, which has a docbook
export option.

regards DaveP

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