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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Turn OFF bibliography title

On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 06:20:32PM -0500, Tristan Fiedler wrote:

> I've been spending too much time trying to do something seemingly
> easy : Turn OFF the bibliography title.
> Any suggestions?

Look at the section in Bob Stayton's book on HTML title page


(The process for FO customisation is very similar.)  In particular,
you want to modify the bibliography recto titlepage in the XML spec
file.  It will currently look like this:

<t:titlepage t:element="bibliography" t:wrapper="div" class="titlepage">
  <t:titlepage-content t:side="recto">


You want to change 't:force="1"' to 't:force="0"' so that the
bibliography is not forced to have a title if you don't provide one.
From there, follow the instructions on generating your custom XSL
templates and using them in a customisation layer in Bob's book.


w  http://logicsquad.net/
h  http://paul.hoadley.name/

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