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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Java and docbook xsl again

Thanks to Pierre and Ian!  It finally works.

With Ant 1.6.2 and Xalan-J 2.6.0, it _seems_ to be sufficient to
 -  delete Encodings.properties from xalan.jar
 -  place the modified xalan.jar in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed
(See:  http://www.mail-archive.com/user@ant.apache.org/msg08711.html )

Now the Ant xslt (or style) task will convert docbook XML into FO.  Simple

<target name="xslt" description="Converts docbook xml to fo">
     <xslt  in="newbook.xml"
               style="c:/java/docbook-xsl-1.68.1/fo/docbook.xsl"  />

Ian's example of using Saxon directly with a <java> task also works fine.

Dave, you're welcome to lift and/or adapt anything of mine for your
tutorial, but it looks like you're using Saxon directly so it may not be
applicable.  BTW, you shouldn't have to go through ant.jar to run it, just
$ANT_HOME/bin/ant ought to work.

The whole story lives here:
I have no idea if this is the best way, or even if it's correct, just that
it works so far.

Wendy Smoak

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