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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] java 1.5 and xsltc and endorsedstuff.

David Tolpin wrote:
>> So on 1.5 you can download the latest Xalan and Xerces from Apache, 
>> put the
>> jar files in your CLASSPATH, and just use them without conflict if you
>> specify an org.apache class as your main.  I use Make, and I have had no
>> conflicts with the bundled xsltc stuff.
> This is only if the transformer is used directly and not through JAXP. 
> The problem arises when it is called through JAXP — it then uses what 
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory returns, and the 
> TransformerFactory itself is, naturally, the first one found in CLASSPATH.
> How to put Xalan's or Saxon's (6.5.3) TransformerFactory before the 
> built-in xsltc, I don't know. XEP does just that, and calling 
> transformation and formatting steps separately is the only workaround 
> (or fixing bugs in xsltc).
> David

you have to set the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory system property

when this is null the JVM default is used (on 1.5 this is xsltc), change 
it to the classname of the implementation you want to use:-

xalan normal = org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl
xalan compiler = org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl

saxon 6.5.3 = com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl

and so on,


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