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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: odd and even pages

Michal Duda wrote:

> The first contains graphical icon and the second some text. I need this on
> the odd pages. And on even pages I need icon in the second column and text
> in the first one. 

Do you have this table in page header only or in normal page body?

You can specify different headers/footers for odd and even pages in 
XSL-FO. There is also hook for this in DocBook stylesheets:


(see template named header.content)

If you need this in page body, you are facing problem that is beyond 
capabilities of XSL-FO. Forunately some XSL-FO processors support 
special sort of floats that can float to inner or outer edge of page. I 
suppose that you can achieve your two column table with careful usage of 
such floats. For example of inner/outer consult following document:


   Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
   Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
      Podívejte se na náš nově spuštěný web http://DocBook.cz
        Podrobný přehled školení http://xmlguru.cz/skoleni/

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