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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Website+XSLT=source filename?


Try this expression:
"$autolayout/autolayout//*[@id=$id]/@page" in a template that matches 'webpage'.


>----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
>From: admin@buddhalinux.org
>To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
>Sent: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 21:50:15
>How does one go about finding out the XML source
>filename in XSL?
>I tried to utilise the document-uri function of XSL
>2.0; but am getting an 
>error (probably from the xsltproc processor) about
>only being version 1.0 
>I currently have successfully been using the
><xsl:variable name="page" select="."/>
><xsl:variable name="xml_source">
>    <xsl:choose>
>      <xsl:when
>	 <xsl:value-of
>      </xsl:when>
>      <xsl:otherwise>
>	 <xsl:text>index.xml</xsl:text>
>      </xsl:otherwise>
>    </xsl:choose>
>  </xsl:variable>
>As you can see, I am having to generate a specific
>element to hold the source 
>filename. But, given the volume of pages that I am
>constructing(4,000+); I 
>would rather utilise a construct during
>transformation so that I don't need 
>to alter the XML sources and add this element.

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