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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Problem with sgml document processed with openjade

Le 24 févr. 2005, à 10:50, Jirka Kosek a écrit :

> Michèle Garoche wrote:
>> Is this the right place to ask a question about problems encountered 
>> when customizing stylesheets for producing a pdf output from an sgml 
>> book document processed with openjade?
> Yes, go on.
I'm processing a docbook 4.1 sgml document book format with openjade.

I've tried to customize some parts of title pages recto and verso mode.

1 - I wanted the first page recto mode with authorgroup at the right 
end and with a reduced top margin, title in huge font centered at the 
bottom of the page, subtitle with a smaller font italic centered below 
the title. So far, it works but I cannot find a way to reduce the top 
margin before the authorgroup about half of its current height. Is 
there a way to customize this margin? The current customization for 
this part is as follows:

;;  Change the default fonts
     (define %body-font-family% "Computer-Modern")
     (define %mono-font-family% "Computer-Modern-Typewriter")
     (define %title-font-family% "Computer-Modern-Sans")
     (define %title-font-family-recto-mode% "Arial")
     (define %admon-font-family% "Computer-Modern-Sans")
     (define %guilabel-font-family% "Computer-Modern-Sans")

;; Pages customization
(define %two-side% #t)
(define %paper-type% "A4")
(define %left-margin% 2pi)
(define %right-margin% 2.5pi)
(define %top-margin% 3pi)
(define %bottom-margin% 4pi)
(define %header-margin% 1pi)
(define %footer-margin% 3pi)
(define %body-start-indent% 0pi)
(define %min-leading% 0pt)

;;Titlepages customization
;;This allows you to define what elements you
;;wish to have on the book titlepage.
(define (book-titlepage-recto-elements)
   (list (normalize "authorgroup")
		(normalize "author")
		(normalize "title")
		(normalize "subtitle")
		(normalize "othercredit")))
;; Redefine style for titlepage recto mode elements
(mode book-titlepage-recto-mode
	;; first the authors normal font as defined by titlepage recto style 
	(element authorgroup
		(make display-group
	(element author
		(let ((author-name  (author-string))
			(author-affil (select-elements (children (current-node))
				(normalize "affiliation"))))
		(make sequence
			(make paragraph
				use: book-titlepage-recto-style
				font-size: (HSIZE 2)
				font-weight: 'bold
				line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 2) %line-spacing-factor%)
				space-before: 0pt
				quadding: 'end
				keep-with-next?: #t
				(literal author-name))
				(process-node-list author-affil))))
	;; title at the bottom of the page centered with huge font
	(element title
		(make paragraph
			use: book-titlepage-recto-style
			font-size: (* (HSIZE 1) 4.4)
			space-before: (* (HSIZE 1) 30)
			space-after: (HSIZE 1)
			quadding: %division-title-quadding%
			keep-with-next?: #t
			heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
		(with-mode title-mode
	;; subtitle italic centered
	(element subtitle
		(make paragraph
			use: book-titlepage-recto-style
			font-size: (HSIZE 6)
			quadding: %division-title-quadding%
			font-posture: 'italic
			keep-with-next?: #t

2 - For the title page verso mode I wanted to get the title and 
subtitle on the same line centered on top. I did not succeed in doing 
so, just to get them on different lines. Is there a way to get them on 
the same line, when the fonts are different? Customization is as 

;; Redefine style for titlepage verso mode elements
(mode book-titlepage-verso-mode
	;; title center with higher font than normal title font
	(element title
		(make paragraph
			quadding: %division-title-quadding%
			(literal "\no-break-space;")
			(make sequence
			font-family-name: %title-font-family%
			font-size: (HSIZE 1)
			font-weight: 'bold
		(with-mode title-mode
	;; subtitle centered below the title (wanted it on the same line)
	(element subtitle
		(make paragraph
			quadding: %division-title-quadding%
			(literal "\no-break-space;")
		(make sequence
			font-family-name: %title-font-family%
			font-weight: 'bold

PS. : I must admit that my knowledge of docbook stylesheets and scheme 
language is near zero level.



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