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Subject: [ANN] MarkupWare - SilkPage Core 0.3.0 released

Silk team is proud to announce the SilkPage Web Publishing Framework (released under the GNU General Public License).
SilkPage is an XML based Web publishing framework that has evolved from the Docbook Website. It features:

- XML based content management
- Web Standards (WaSP) compliant XHTML output
- Conforms with main accessibility requirements
- Separates content from presentation via CSS stylesheets
- Integrates RSS and RDF

SilkPage is particularly suited to publish personal websites, though it is by no means limited to them. Users 
of DocBook and DocBook Website have little 
trouble adapting to SilkPage. New Users will be able to use basic features fairly rapidly by reading the SilkPage 
User Guide.

Please visit http://silkpage.markupware.com to learn more
about SilkPage.

Silk Team

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