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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook and windows XP

Bonjour Isabelle,

> I use Docbook on Linux and today I would like to use it on Windows too.

I can't see any problem.

> I look for binairies package but I find a old version 1.3.1.
> I have the link http://www.jclark.com/jade but I can't connect me to it. 
> I would like a recent packetage, can somebody help me, please ?

There should be no problem to copy your version of docbook from Linux to 
Windows. IMHO is this the best solution especially if you've adapted the 
You can also download the actual version from:

The only binary you'll need is a xslt-processor which runs the 
transformation. But it seems to be easy to find one which fits your 
needs. Such as xsltproc, xalan or saxon.


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