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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] How to generate PHP code in a XSL customizationlayer

Kai Hagemeister wrote:
Hello Robert,

When profile.lang is equal to "it" I would like to generate something equivalent to this:

<xsl:processing-instruction name="php">
include ('../php/filename_it.php');

while profile.lang is equal to "en" this:

<xsl:processing-instruction name="php">
include ('../php/filename_en.php');

without reading carefully your other posts I would suppose that this is an easy task. It's a condition isnt it?
You can do this with:
    <xsl:when test="foo">

Yes, it's an easy task, but is complicated by the fact that files are processed 2 times: the first one for profiling and the second one for building the site.
The problem is that I pass the profile.lang property when I do the first pass. At the second pass I don't know what to test for in the customization layer.
I will make some experiments.

Thanks to all!

Eng. Roberto Gianassi

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