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docbook-apps message

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Subject: personalize xsl docbook


I want to use docbook to generate a fo doc and convert it in pdf with XEP.

In my documents I have differents chapters,
chapter have attibute ("type") which is define
if it will be on one or two columns;

I not arrived to convert my xml in fo with this particularity,
here you cans see my xsl :

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; 


<xsl:param name="paper.type" select="'A4'"/>

<xsl:param name="column.count.titlepage" select="2"/>
<xsl:param name="column.count.body" select="2"/>

<xsl:template match="chapter">

<xsl:variable name='var1' select='@type'/>

<xsl:when test='$var1="2"'>
 <xsl:param name="column.count.body" select="2"/>
<xsl:when test='$var1="1"'>
 <xsl:param name="column.count.body" select="1"/>



And here a xml example :

<chapter type=1>
<!-- one column page -->

<chapter type=2>
<!-- two columns page -->

<chapter type=1>
<!-- one column page -->

This not work :(
if you have an idea ?

Thanks for your help.

Brice Rouanet
I.N.S.A.  Centre de Ressources Informatiques
Complexe Scientifique 135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex4 (France)  tel 0561559374

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