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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Olink: can't resolve xlink cross-refs.

Hi Denis,
The targetdoc isn't matching up here.  According to your example, the olink
targetdoc attribute says "sbref", but the debug information says
"sb-config".  Is there another olink using targetdoc="sb-config"?

Just for clarification here: when you say "xlink", you aren't referring to
the W3C XLink Recommendation, right?  Olinks have nothing to do with that
kind of xlink.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Denis Bradford" <denis.bradford@verizon.net>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:17 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Olink: can't resolve xlink cross-refs.

> I can't quite get olink/xlink working. In "The Compleat Guide", Bob
> seems to have left no turn unstoned, so I must have a giant blind
> spot, missing something obvious. Any suggestions appreciated.
> I've got a command reference manual with many xlinked ref pages.
> For now my goal is to test a simple HTML cross-reference:
> <a href="sb-config.html#synop">
> My test olink seems to resolve the targetptr (synop) but fails to
> find the xlinked file (sb-config.html) even tho my build does generate
> the xlinked files. Here's how I'm trying to code this:
> #master doc:
>    <book id="sbref">
>      <reference>
>        <xi:include href="sbconfig.xml" />
>        <xi:include href="sbadmin.xml" />
>      </reference>
>    </book>
> #sbconfig.xml:
>    <refentry id="sb-config">
>      <refsection id="synop">
>      </refsection>
>    </refentry>
> #sbadmin.xml:
>    <refentry id="sbadmin">
>      <para>Refer to the <olink targetdoc="sbref"
>      section of the sb-admin page.</para>
>   </refentry>
> #olinkdb.xml:
>    <!DOCTYPE targetset
>         SYSTEM "/opt/xml/xsl/docbookxsl/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [
>      <!ENTITY reftargets SYSTEM "target.db">
>      ]>
>      <targetset>
>        <sitemap>
>          <dir name="../ref">
>            <document targetdoc="sbref">
>             &reftargets;
>            </document>
>          </dir>
>        </sitemap>
>      </targetset>
> I've tried lots of command variations of:
> 1. java  sbref.xml chunk.xsl collect.xref.targets="only"
current.docid="sbref" targets.filename="target.db"
> 2. java  sbref.xml chunk.xsl target.database.document="olinkdb.xml"
current.docid="sbref" olink.debug="1"
> Here's a typical error stream:
> Writing ~/ref/pr01.html for preface
> Writing ~/ref/rn01re01.html for refentry(sb-config)
> Olink debug: root element of target.database 'olinkdb.xml' is 'targetset'.
> Olink debug: cases for targetdoc='sb-config' and targetptr='synop' in
language 'en'.
> Olink debug: CaseA NOT matched
> Olink debug: No case matched for lang 'en'.
> Olink debug: cases for targetdoc='sb-config' and targetptr='synop' in
language ''.
> Olink debug: CaseA NOT matched
> Olink debug: No case matched for lang ''.
> Error: unresolved olink: targetdoc/targetptr = 'sb-config/synop'.
> Olink error: no generated text for targetdoc/targetptr/lang = ''.
> Writing ~/ref/rn01re02.html for refentry(sbadmin)Writing ~/ref/rn01.html
for reference
> Writing ~/ref/index.html for book(sbref)

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