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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Discard leading/trailing whitespace in <title> elements?

The situation I've encountered that causes problems is: 

<formalpara><title>Foo</title><para><indexterm><primary>foo</primary></indexterm>Blah de blah</para></formalpara>

You end up with extra space between "Foo." and "Blah de blah." Now we just avoid doing that and put the index marker later in the para. Putting the markers at the end of the para safe, but less accurate. The page number in the index will point to the page the para ends on rather than where it beings. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Wheller [mailto:sean@enbaya.co.za] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:18 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Discard leading/trailing 
> whitespace in <title> elements?
> On Tuesday 29 March 2005 21:10, Paul DuBois wrote:
> > My "validating editor" is vi. :-)
> >
> > It's easy for me to produce <title>xxx</title> rather than <title>
> >  xxx
> > </title>.  (A simple change to one of my xmlformat rules.)  
> I was just 
> > curious whether this could be done in XSLT without a lot of 
> messing around.
> > Seems the answer is no.
> But there is a good point worth exploring in all of this. Why 
> do people try to format XML in blocks such as <para>  Some text here.
> </para>
> Seems unnecessary to me. 
> 1. It add whitespace that is not required.
> 2. IMHO, It makes reading the XML and content harder.
> 3. It is hard to keep the formatting of the XML indent consistant.
> Why not just use <para>Some text here.</para>?

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