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Subject: "Unresolved internal destination" error and id attribute of reference element
Hi all, I'm getting an "unresolved internal destination" error from XEP 4.2 when transforming DocBook XML markup containing 'reference' elements to PDF (using the DocBook XSL FO stylesheets v1.68.1). For example, this markup: <book> <title>Sample book for ID testing</title> <!-- stuff removed --> <reference id="REF-1" xreflabel="Reference part 1"> <title>Reference part 1</title> etc. causes the error message to be emitted and ToC of the resulting PDF to have a '?' instead of the page number for the reference element. It happens both in this simplified example and a larger production project. Seems like the 'id' attribute of the 'reference' element is not output to the generated XSL-FO markup. I inserted the 'id' attribute to the XSL-FO block of the reference element by hand and then ran the XSL-FO to PDF transformation again -- no problem there. Could this be related to the ID issue described in this thread: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200401/msg00070.html? The workaround in the thread does not seem to work in this case. (?) Thanks in advance for any ideas or pointers to a solution. Best regards, Jere -- Jere Käpyaho (jere.kapyaho@nokia.com) Specialist, Java Platform Standardization Technology Platforms Nokia Corporation
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