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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Tool to convert docbook into PDF

Ferad Zyulkyarov <feradz@gmail.com> writes:

> I am new to the docbook and face great difficulties creating PDF from
> and docbook XML. Please, could you recommend me any compact tool that
> converts docbook XMLs into PDF with less configuration effort. If it
> is GPL and linux compatible would be great for me :-).

What Linux distro are you running? If it has a package called
"xmlto", try installing that. Then you can do this:

  xmlto pdf foo.xml

If that doesn't work, try installing the "fop" package (if there
is one), and then doing this:

  xmlto fo foo.xml
  fop foo.fo foo.pdf

And if that doesn't work, you might try installing "sgml2x" and
then run the following command:

  docbook-2-pdf foo.xml


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