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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Some issues regarding the manpages stylesheet

Costin Stroie <cstroie@bitdefender.com> writes:

> On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Costin Stroie wrote:
> >1. There should be some way to specify the output directory, something 
> >like 'base.dir' used in html chunking.
> I think an additional interesting feature would be to output the manpages 
> in corresponding directories, based on some prefix ('man') and the 
> section, such as 'man1', 'man8'.

Yep, definitely. That way you could just tar it all up as a set.
And end users should untar it to make sure that everything gets
installed where it should be. etc.

I think that is actually what was also suggested by the submittor
of the existing feature request I mentioned in my other response.
Regardless, it is definitely the way I plan to do it, and it is
not tecnically difficult at all to implement (hint hint to anybody
who wants to submit a patch). It just takes time to make the
change a test it.


Michael Smith


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