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Subject: Re: Re[2]: [docbook-apps] XEP and .PNG images created with Gnome's DIA

I filed the bug, and it was closed as "not a bug".

apparently there is still a bug in XEP with regards to rendering PNG files. It does not read the correct resolution from the file.


On 7/18/05, Alexander Peshkov <peshkov@renderx.com> wrote:
Hello Alan,

This PNG is broken so the bug is in DIA. Some graphic formats
supports internal information about image resolution and some does
not. PNG can have such information and, if present, this information
should be contained in pHYs chunk of the image data. DIA does writes
this data chunk into PNG, but fails to specify proper resolution for
an image (vertical resolution is set to 0). So the processing of such
image depends on the particular application fall-back strategy. Some
application may decide to treat such image as having no information
about the resolution at all, other will rise the error. I bet you are
using very old version of XEP (that followed first strategy), because
modern version of XEP will reject such image with appropriate error

Note that actual size of the image without intrinsic resolution will
be determined individually by each application depending on default
resolution it uses. XEP default is 120 DPI (you can read more about it
in the Section "5.1. Bitmap Graphics" of "XEP Reference").

Conclusion: fix DIA or use some tool to postprocess those PNGs (after
I've re-saved your 'account.png' using XnView it worked fine with
XEP). If you have image without intrinsic resolution - specify image
dimensions explicitly in your document.

Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov                             mailto:peshkov@renderx.com

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