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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Some issues regarding the manpages stylesheet

Costin Stroie <cstroie@bitdefender.com> writes:

> No, as you said, there is no need to strip the empty lines with sed, 
> since, excepting one, there are no more.
> This one is just after the '.fi' request in the same "mixed content". I 
> don't know whether this should be removed or replaced with something else 
> (maybe a '.sp'), because there must be some vertical space after the 
> 'screen' block. It is also true this happens when simple text follows the 
> 'screen'.

Yeah, I will try to figure out where that is being generated and
replace it with a .sp macro. I would like to avoid having
completely blank lines in the output expect in cases where the
output is from verbatim environments such as Screen that contain
internal blank lines.


Michael Smith


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