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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] image in <bookinfo>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rico Leuthold 
> Thank you for the information. The image in the <bookinfo> 
> tag is now  
> working. Next step I want to do is, to customise the alignent of the  
> image and the title. It should look like the DocBook: The Definitive  
> Guide page 
> (http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/documentation/reference/ 
> html/docbook.html). Image on the left, title and other 
> bookinfo stuff  
> aside. Is this a xsl titlepage customisation as well, or can it be  
> done with a css for html outpt ?

Here is one way to emulate the DG title page style. 

1. In the title page spec file, set the following:

    <br clear="all"/>

(This generates working but deprecated HTML. The "clear" style can be
applied in other ways. See

2. In the title page spec file, make sure that <mediaobject/> (or
<graphic/>) is specified before <title/> and other bookinfo elements inside

3. In the XML source, set align="left" for the image.


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