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docbook-apps message

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Subject: multiple authors

Hi DocBook users,

I am creating a docbook <article>, and have multiple authors with the 
same affiliation.  I don't want the affiliation listed for each author, 
since the affiliation is the same.

Does anyone have a valid docbook solution?

---- My current XML :
				<orgname>Department of Biology, New York University</orgname>
				<address>New York, NY 10003 USA</address>
				<orgname>Department of Biology, New York University</orgname>
				<address>New York, NY 10003 USA</address>

docbook xml 4.4CR2, xsl 1.67.2, fop 0.20.5, saxon 6.5.3

Thank you,        Tristan
Tristan J. Fiedler
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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