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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] profile chunking

> -----Original Message-----
> From: SIRIGINA Saraswathi 
> How do i ouput the sections that are marked only as 
> profile.os linux without outputing the attributes that don't 
> have an os attribute at all. 
> This is what Bob Stayton's book says:  "When the profile.os 
> parameter is set to a non-blank value like linux, then all 
> instances of the os attribute in the document are examined 
> and only those elements with the linux value are included in 
> the output. Any other elements that have an os attribute 
> whose value does not match linux are ignored. And of course 
> any elements that don't have an os attribute at all are 
> included in the output as well. "

To skip all sections that don't have an os attribute, create a profiling
customization layer with an empty template:

<xsl:template match="section[not(@os)]">


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