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Subject: slow html transformations

docbook-dtd-4.5b1 docbook-xsl-1.69.1 jdk-1.5.0_4, kubuntu-5.04 oXygen-6.1 
saxon-6.5.4,  1.7g Centrino, 1.25g memory.

Have a large project that will incorporate a couple of hundred-plus xml files, 
most chunked with a lot of xincludes and xpointers.

Currently, it is taking five to ten minutes for html transformation.

Even validation of a 2k line xml document is taking a minute or two, and I 
utilize a system-based dtd !!!

Have adjusted the oxygen.sh file with -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xss2m to no avail.

Is this an issue with xincludes / xpointers ??? Seems that oXygen 6.0 with 
saxon-6.4.3 and no xpointers was much faster in both validation and 

Any advice on speeding things up?


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