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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Xincludes and Peer Section Ordering

docbook-dtd-4.5CR1, docbook-xsl-1.69.1, jdk-1.5.0_4, kubuntu-5.04, oXygen-6.1, 

Consider the following code fragement:

<sect1 id="foo" xmlns:xi="&w3XInclude;" xml:base="">
   <xi:include href="file:///_foo_/Bar2.xml">
            <emphasis role="strong">FIXME:</emphasis> MISSING
               /_foo_/<emphasis>Bar2.xml</emphasis> XINCLUDE

the Xinclude'd fragement:

<sect2 id="bar1" xmlns:xi="&w3XInclude;" xml:base="">

Why do the following validation error messages:

Unexpected element "xi:include".


The content of element type "sect1" must match "(sect1info?,
(title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?),(toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography)* ...

occur ONLY when sect2  precedes the xinclude and not subsequent ???


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