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Subject: Re: Displaying article/articleinfo/date in print?
>>>>> Steinar Bang <sb@dod.no>: > So... now it's on to modifying the template...:-) ...which proved to be pretty easy, and worked at first attempt. I modified <corpauthor space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> <authorgroup space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> <author space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> to become <corpauthor space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> <authorgroup space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> <author space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> <date space-before="0.5em" font-size="&hsize2;"/> and then just did a make. Here are some makefile fragments. I organize my DocBook development areas in the following way: topdir GNUmakefile.docbook.common local-common.xsl local-fo.xsl ... And then I put all the documents into subdirectories, and put in GNUmakefiles there that include ../GNUmakefile.docbook.common The GNUmakefile.docbook.common is too full of history to make sense even to me, but here are the parts I put in to build the XSL style sheet from the template (caveat emptor! This has not been tested out of the context of the rest of the make setup): # The starting directory for the DocBook XSLT style sheets DBXSLPREFIX:=http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current ... # XSLT style sheets generated from templates FOTEMPLATES:=../fo-titlepage.templates.xsl ... # Calculate target files FOFILES=$(patsubst %.xml,%.fo,$(XMLSOURCES)) ... # Dependencies between style sheets and results $(FOFILES): $(FOSTYLE) $(FOTEMPLATES) $(COMMONSTYLE) ... # Generating style sheets from templates TITLETEMPLATE:=$(DBXSLPREFIX)/template/titlepage.xsl ../fo-titlepage.templates.xsl: ../fo-titlepage.templates.xml $(XSLTPROC) --output $@ $(TITLETEMPLATE) $<
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