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docbook-apps message

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Subject: single column title page and two-column body on same pdf page

Technical articles often require two-column format with the title and
abstract on the first page. With no page break between.

I have a customization layer for pdf output that provides all the content
and formatting to the get the title, abstract, and body in the format
required. The page break remains unsolved. After considerable digging, in
appears the title page and body are always generated in separate
page-sequences which are required to generate page breaks in xsl:fo. My
attempts to modify the templates to put them in the same page sequence
result in fop (0.92) errors.

IMO: Forcing all the content of an article into the "body" page master seems
too rigid. It would be nice to be able to have a stand-alone <article> and
set the column format for the title section <articleinfo> and body
separately. What's required above is really formatting for the <bookinfo>
not a title page.


Brett Gossage

Invariant Corp

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