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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook HTML and MHT Conversion Issues

this is happening because Saxon is writing full paths into your html files
xsltproc won't do this

when I was using Saxon, I wrote a small script (in a language you
probably don't use) that would acquire the Ant property corresponding
to the build directory and then tranform all


character sequences into


On 10/2/06, Miller, Ray (Centech) <Ray.Miller@va.gov> wrote:
> docbook-rng-5.0b8, xsl-1.71.0, saxon-6.5.5, oxygen-7.2.0 (eclipse-3.2
> plugin)
> While this subject may be somewhat off-topic, it directly affects my ability
> to post DocBook html to a major (thousands of members) Intranet portal.
> Need to convert html/docbook.xsl and possibly html/chunk.xsl output to
> Microsoft (ugh, yea I know) .mht format as a requirement for HTML authoring
> is a single file publication.
> Current tools (IE, Easy-Save-MHT, BlockNote.net, and  MHT-Quick-Saver don't
> seem to correctly map DocBook HTML same-directory and relative references to
> mht archive inclusion, instead mapping an absolute URL to the source archive
> for both.
> Additionally, most tools ignore DocBook HTML embedded CSS.
> Lastly, chunking could be implemented if the aforementioned issues are
> resolved and chunks are restricted to chapters (do the latter now).
> Advice please.
> Ray


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