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Subject: Different colored admonitions



I have this for my admonitions:


    <xsl:attribute-set name="admonition.properties">

        <xsl:attribute name="keep-together.within-column">always</xsl:attribute>

        <xsl:attribute name="border">0.5pt solid blue</xsl:attribute>

        <xsl:attribute name="background-color">#FFEEFF</xsl:attribute>


    <xsl:attribute-set name="admonition.title.properties">

        <xsl:attribute name="keep-together.within-column">always</xsl:attribute>

        <xsl:attribute name="background-color">#E0E0E0</xsl:attribute>

        <xsl:attribute name="text-align">center</xsl:attribute>

        <xsl:attribute name="border">0.5pt solid blue</xsl:attribute>



What I want to do is make each admonition a different color.

Tip/info =green

warning =red



I assume there is a template somewhere where I can slide it into my customization layer?



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