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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] FO problem: Indentions / Layout settings for glossary, bibliography and index entries?

For your glossary, you might try setting the glossterm.width parameter to 
equal your body.start.indent.


For the bibliography, you will have to do more extensive customization, 
because biblioentry is not formatted as a list.  You'll need to customize 
the template with match="biblioentry" in fo/biblio.xsl to create a 
fo:list-item instead of a fo:block, with the biblioentry label in the 
fo:list-item-label and the rest of it in fo:list-item-body, with the whole 
bibliography wrapped in fo:list-block.

For index entries, you can add attributes such as space-before to the 
attribute-set named index.entry.properties:


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Schramm, Martin" <MSchramm@harmanbecker.com>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 3:50 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] FO problem: Indentions / Layout settings for 
glossary, bibliography and index entries?

> Hi,
> I've got a problem to set my glossary,  bibliography and index
> correctly into my page layout. For this I want to ask you for some
> support.
> I have written an XSL customization, which indents the main text (Body
> text: paras, mediaobjects etc.) 42.25mm to the right. The Headlines
> (titles of sections etc.) are not indented. As result I have got a
> Column for marginal notes, Icons etc. .
> So in my customization I have altered the body.start.indent parameter
> like this:
>   <xsl:param name="body.start.indent">42.25mm</xsl:param>
> I would like to place the glossary, bibilography and index entries, so
> they fit into this layout and follow the text indention. At they
> moment, the terms starts at the left page margin (which is what I
> want), but the entries start with default identions. This sets them to
> positions in the page, which does not fit neatly into our customized
> page layout.
> Roughly in the FO output it looks like the following arrangement:
> Headline                  Body text
> glossterm1    glossdefinition1
> [bibID1]                biblioset information1
> I would prefer the following arrangement (Headlines, glossterms,
> bibliography abbreviations set at the left page margin / Body text,
> glossdefinitions and biblioset informations all with the same text
> indent):
> Headline        Body text
> glossterm1    glossdefinition1
> [bibID1]         biblioset information1
> Also I would like adjust the spaces between the index entries, so they
> fit into our page layout.
> I just cannot find the parameters and I would be thankful, if you
> could help me.
> Thanks a lot!
> Martin
> P.S.: We are using XSLTPROC as XSL Engine and Antenna House as
> Formatter.
> ____
> Martin Schramm
> Karlsbad, Germany

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